9 reasons why being a leader is better than being a manager.

9 reasons why being a leader is better than being a manager.

It definitely sounds way cooler when you see yourself as leading others, rather than managing them. The former incites brave images of a commander at the helm going into the unknown. The latter incites images of getting stuck in the mud sorting out the day-to-day operational work; a lot less inspiring. This blog will provide you with 9 reasons why being a leader is better than being a manager. 

The reality is that leading others is hard. People are living beings who desire to be influenced, and it take a lot of work and skill to do just that. When you manage, you instinctively view people as inanimate objects to be moved around at your will.  

You manage resources, results, and outcomes. When it comes to people, you have to influence them. I am going to share with you a few reasons why being a leader is better.  

1. Leaders will eventually inspire more leaders. Over time, your people will take ownership instead of you having to constantly chase them. – SN 

1. Leaders will eventually inspire more leaders. Over time, your people will take ownership instead of you having to constantly chase them. – SN 

If you are a manager, you are accountable for the work that your team does in producing the result. There is little incentive for them to take ownership. You have to keep on top of them.   

A leader empowers and creates leaders within each team member to be accountable and take ownership of the results they have to produce. This eventually reduces the amount of time and effort a leader has to stay on top of things that are going on in the team. 

2. For great leaders, employees come first because they know when they take care of the employees, they will take care of the business and results will follow. A manager that lacks people skills & EQ would not want to aspire to become a leader. Leaders put mission over money because they know that intrinsic motivation lasts & extrinsic motivation doesn’t. – AS 

2. For great leaders, employees come first because they know when they take care of the employees, they will take care of the business and results will follow. A manager that lacks people skills & EQ would not want to aspire to become a leader. Leaders put mission over money because they know that intrinsic motivation lasts & extrinsic motivation doesn’t. – AS 

For managers who are focused on results, that is why people are, a means to an end. People aren’t fools. They know when they are treated as tools, and when they work for a manager, they know where things stand. They are simply another resource for the manager to be used. 

A leader takes into account that the people are living being with their individual personalities at work, and why they are at work is more important, because the results will take care of itself. That is why a leader’s real business is the people who produces the results. Take care of the people, and they will take care of the results.  

3. A Leader brings the team together so all of them can get things done with the leader. – VV 

3. A Leader brings the team together so all of them can get things done with the leader. – VV 

A manager may see their team as individual parts each responsible for their own work, which when put together produces the desired results. The sum of the parts equals the whole.  

A leader recognises that the sum of the parts of the team is greater than the entire team. They see getting the team to work together, and with the leader, as essential to achieving the desired results. This could mean introducing a team vision that incorporates the personal aspirations of each team member. 

This way, everyone works together because they know their individual effort leads to a bigger goal.  

4. There is usually only one manager per team, but you can be a leader anytime – DS 

4. There is usually only one manager per team, but you can be a leader anytime – DS 

There can be only one formally appointed position for a manager of a team. However, there can be multiple leaders, because leadership is not a position but a mindset. When you are a manager, everyone in the team has to follow you because they do not have a choice. 

When you choose to lead, and others willingly choose to follow, then you are a leader. Being a leader does not depend on others conferring you a formal title. You can be a leader when you want to in any situation.  

5. A leader who can manage can be great, but a manager who cannot lead will be average at best. – JR 

5. A leader who can manage can be great, but a manager who cannot lead will be average at best. – JR 

Managers and Leaders have one thing in common, and that is to be able to manage people to produce results. Being able to manage others is expected as nobody moves up their career ladder if they are unable to manage the delivery of results.  

However, if you are successful in managing the desired outcomes but terrible in dealing with people, you are not going to go very far in your career. 

On the other hand, if you can manage the delivery of results and lead others at the same time, then those around you will likely say that you are a great leader to work for, and one who brought them to their success. Leaders win accolades from others when they can lead and manage. 

6. The world, business, families need good, caring, committed leaders. People want to be led, coached, and developed. They want honest and competent leadership. It is a big responsibility. That is why I do it. – EF 

6. The world, business, families need good, caring, committed leaders. People want to be led, coached, and developed. They want honest and competent leadership. It is a big responsibility. That is why I do it. – EF 

Being a manager might have been enough in the past, but now employees expect more from their bosses. People long to find that inspiration to power their inner motivation in their work, the knowing that their contribution will lead to something bigger. To progress in their career by building upon one experience after another.  

Managers who only focus on results, and see people as resources. Since resources are inanimate objects, why bother with fluffy concepts like inspiration and motivation?  

Only leaders who focus on the people and their inner motivation do. That is one reason why great leaders who can deliver results and earn the praises of those they lead are well regarded, and well rewarded. 

7. Being a manager is a positional thing. Being a leader has to do with capabilities and positive influences. A leader unlocks the hidden capabilities in people. – JH. 

7. Being a manager is a positional thing. Being a leader has to do with capabilities and positive influences. A leader unlocks the hidden capabilities in people. – JH. 

Being a manager does not mean others willingly follow you. They do so because they have to and especially if they want to keep their jobs. And being a manager is also a positional thing. Once you are no longer there, will anyone still follow you? That is the important question.  

A leader, on the other hand, is about influence. People follow a leader for a variety of reasons. Whether it is because the leader brings them to their success, or that the leader coaches and develops them, or the leader injects meaning into the work they do. A leader does not need the position, and still others will follow. 

8. A leader is one who shows care for their team. People will not care for their work until they know they are cared for by their leader. – CD 

8. A leader is one who shows care for their team. People will not care for their work until they know they are cared for by their leader. – CD 

Imagine being treated by your manger as an inanimate resource for your organisation to only produce results. After the results are produced for the day, you come back again for the next. How long would you last in such an organisation? Some can last for years, but for many, the duration could be measured in months. 

A leader who cares for the team changes the dynamics. People start to feel they are working for and with other people. There becomes a sense of ‘us’ and ‘we’, and of togetherness. When people are cared for, it becomes easier to work through the challenges and get the job done. 

9. If you are only results focused as a manager, you’ll lose your people anyway. Better to start with being people focused as a leader, and results will follow. – BW 

9. If you are only results focused as a manager, you’ll lose your people anyway. Better to start with being people focused as a leader, and results will follow. – BW 

The manager goes into work, tell people what to do, and expected results by the end of the day. Rinse and repeat this soul-destroying process each day, and eventually people will feel there is nothing keeping them there besides a pay check. They will depart once sometime better comes along. 

The leader hit the ground running by focusing on the people. Gives them a vision they can get excited about. Align their personal goals with their work goals where possible. Develop that team camaraderie so team members support each other. When people feel cared for, they will produce the results their leader is after. 

The wrap up

Many aspiring for that promotion and think it makes them a leader, when in fact they become managers at best. Some choose to simply manage because it is initially easier to do so, but fail to realise that being a manager is more challenging over the long run. 

The vice versa for leadership is true. Being a leader is more challenging at the onset, but over the long run is actually easier and more rewarding for you. Hopefully I have successfully given you 9 reasons why being a leader is better than being a manager. 

Daniel Lee
August 27, 2021 | 1,524 views
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