The First time leadership 3C model and framework

When my co-author, Avi Liran, and I first wrote, First time leadership, it was a challenge to put the 30 insights that we had uncovered under a unifying model.

We knew that the insights shared by the 220 interviewed leaders worked, yet no one had ever attempted to put them all together under one roof.

So we created a theoretical model.

After nearly two years of testing, and with many discoveries and perspectives along the way, I finally came up with a practical working model.

Introducing the First Time Leadership 3C model: Consciousness Create Consequence


Few in leadership positions wake up each day with an intention to make a mess of the lives of others. The vast majority want, and try, to do their best each and every day to lead ourselves and to lead others.

The reality is that we often come across many in leadership positions at all levels of any organisation are simply ineffective, because they lack the basic understanding of what leadership truly is.

Furthermore, it does not help those organisations primarily reward based on the production and delivery of results, which are easily measurable. On the other hand, measuring and connecting the impact of successful leadership is still a challenge.

Therefore, at this point, the very first step for anyone who wants to be a successful First time, Frontline, or Team leader, is understand what leadership truly is.

It is only when one knows what are the leadership insights, how they are interconnected, can then a conscious understanding of what leadership truly is be made.

Then that understanding can be converted into knowledge.


With knowledge of what leadership truly is, then it is easier to go forth and create the leadership experiences that they want to see in their team, and also to be the leader that they always wanted.

However, creating leadership and being a leader is still an experiential journey. Mistakes will be made. No leader is perfect. We are all humans, after all.


Show me a leader, and I will show you the team.

I have come to realise that how the team turns out is largely a consequence of who the leader is, what they does, and the impact of their leadership on the team; and I say this because the team leader plays a big role in shaping their team  (

It is in seeing how the team has turned out that a First time leader has the opportunity to use that as Feedback for further improvements.

Which then further improves their Consciousness of what leadership truly is.

It is also a framework…


The 3C model does not end here, because it is a simple representation of what First time leadership is.

It is when the model is unfold into the 3C framework, that it starts to get exciting because my clients and participants start to see how the various insights from the research actually comes together.

This is the combination of this model, and its framework, that will allow for replicable process across different client organisations, and for repeatable results for the many participants to be successful First time leaders or Team leaders in their own right.

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Daniel Lee
September 8, 2023 | 1,455 views
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